
Chapters & Regions

CAHF membership is divided into five large geographic regions. Within the regions, membership is further broken down into 19 local chapters. Click on the chapter name to go to the chapter web page with meeting and officer information.

Disclaimer: While the chapters exist by virtue of CAHF’s by-laws, they are separately incorporated, organized and operated. As such, CAHF assumes no responsibility for any act or omission of these entities or their members.



Region 1


Jarrod Christensen
Carmel Hills Care Ctr.

East Bay Chapter
(Alameda, Contra Costa & Solano counties)

Golden Gate Chapter

(Marin, San Francisco & San Mateo counties)

Redwood Empire Chapter

(Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma & Trinity counties)

Santa Clara Chapter

(Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara & Santa Cruz counties)

Region 2

Joe Miceli
The Fountains

Delta Chapter
(Amador, Calaveras & San Joaquin counties)

Progress Valley Chapter

(Merced, Stanislaus & Tuolumne counties)

Sacramento Chapter

(Alpine, El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento & Yolo counties)

Sierra Chapter

(Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama & Yuba counties)

Region 3

Compass Health, Inc.


Central Coast Chapter
(San Luis Obispo County)

Central Valley Chapter
(Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa & Tulare counties)

Channel Islands Chapter

(Santa Barbara and Ventura counties)

Kern County Chapter

(Kern County)

Region 4


Kathleen Glass
Eisenberg Village

Long Beach/South Bay Chapter
(portions of Los Angeles County)

Los Angeles Chapter
(portions of Los Angeles County)

Pasadena/San Gabriel Chapter

(portions of Los Angeles County)

San Fernando Valley Chapter

(portions of Los Angeles County)

Region 5


Michael Williams
Ensign Services

Orange County Chapter
(Orange County)

San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter
(Inyo, Mono, Riverside & San Bernardino counties)

San Diego Chapter
(Imperial & San Diego counties)

Region Map


Preferred Providers

CAHF encourages Chapters to support our Preferred Provider partners. These partners represent non-dues revenue to CAHF while providing "value added" products and services to our members.

Please recognize these companies at your chapter meetings whenever their representatives are present.