Welcome to the San Bernardino/ Riverside Chapter of CAHF.  

This chapter serves long-term care providers in Inyo, Mono, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.


picture of San Bernardino skyline at night

2025 Officers

Anthony Hunter
Vista Pacifica Enterprises, Inc. 
3674 Pacific Ave.
Riverside, CA 92509
(951) 682-4833

Vice President
Allan Engelauf
Vista Pacific Enterprises, Inc.

Bradley Steege

Valley Healthcare Center


Members at Large
Saul Ackerman - HSAG
Marco Aguiluz - Golden Age Dental Care
Racquel Arden - Totally Kids Rehab. Hospital 
Robert Bilicke - Totally Kids Rehab. Hospital
Earl Bonner - Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Steve Flood - Heritage Gardens HCC

Margie Gil - Totally Kids Rehab. Hospital 
Ted Holt - Retired, Chapter Life Member
Kyle Latterell - Laurel Wellness Care Center
Thomas Lovinger - Golden Age Dental Care
Maricris Rizzo - Centinela Grand
Patricia Sanders - Retired, Chapter Life Member

Matthew Scott - Ensign Services
Alisha Vinson - Desert Springs Healthcare and Wellness Center (Indio)


Upcoming Events

CAHF San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter Meet and Greet
Thursday, March 13 – 4-6 p.m.

Mingle with other CAHF chapter and associate member while enjoying drinks and appetizers at the CAHF San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter meet and greet on March 13! There is no cost nor CEs for this meeting.

Location: Mission Inn Hotel California Lounge
3649 Mission Inn Ave.
Downtown Riverside, CA 92501

Please RSVP to Tony Hunter.

Ritchie Wills Scholarship Fund

In recognition of her decades of mentoring, guidance and dedication, the CAHF San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter is inaugurating the Ritchie Wills Scholarship Fund to foster the educational goals of future long-term care leaders.

The Ritchie Wills Scholarship Fund will enable deserving individuals to enter, develop and guide the profession in providing quality care to the frail and elderly while fulfilling leadership roles now and in the future.

Please make contributions in any amount to:
San Bernardino/Riverside CAHF
Attn: Ritchie Wills Scholarship Fund

For mailing info, please contact sbrivcahf@gmail.com.