The Merits of CAHF Associate Membership
Thank you for inquiring about associate membership in CAHF. Our associate members are a vital component of the Association and their expertise and services are essential to the delivery of quality care to California’s long term care residents.
Associate members benefit in many ways from being affiliated with CAHF:
- They receive listings on the CAHF website and CAHF Buyer’s Guide. These listings are both alphabetical and by service categories.
They enjoy substantial discounts on conventions, events, seminars, symposia, various table-top shows and the large annual Expo (trade show) each Fall. The table-top shows are now open to associate members only, so this is a major benefit.
Associates have numerous opportunities for sponsorship of events and educational offerings, both through CAHF and Quality Care Health Foundation (QCHF), which is CAHF’s educational branch. Many of our associate members partner with QCHF in providing expert presenters and/or sponsorships for classes that offer timely and important education.
All associate members can participate in any of CAHF's 19 statewide chapters at no extra charge. The monthly chapter meetings provide wonderful opportunities to network and meet providers who are potential clients for your services.
CAHF’s professional staff provide comprehensive resources and information to members in areas such as regulatory, clinical and legislative issues; reimbursement concerns; continuing education; and products and services. Members can contact CAHF whenever they need immediate information or answers to specific problems. CAHF staff also advocates on behalf of its members with regulatory agencies and the Legislature.
Associate members can also access the CAHF E-News newsletter and the wealth of information found in the “members only” sections of the CAHF website. Our members consistently rate the newsletter and website as being prime benefits of membership and THE premier news sources for long term care in California.
All employees of an associate member are entitled to benefits, so employees in regional or satellite offices enjoy the same member benefits and privileges as corporate office or headquarters employees – and at no extra charge.
Annual dues (full-year, January to January) for associate membership are $1,400.00. For first-time members who join after July 1st, the dues are pro-rated to $900.00.
Again, thank you for your interest in CAHF. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you to ensure a promising future for long term care.
Dominique Mask
Membership Coordinator