The California Association of Health Facilities' (CAHF) Nurses Council promotes the profession of nursing in the long-term care setting and in the health care continuum; represents the nursing profession before governmental agencies and the public; enhances educational programs for all levels of nursing; and seeks to encourage, motivate and retain nursing professionals in the health care setting.
To learn more about the benefits of joining Nurses Council, see the CAHF Nurses Council flyer here.
CAHF Nurses Council Vision and Goals
Nurses Council Overview
The CAHF Nurses Council promotes the profession of nursing in the long-term care setting and in the health care continuum; represents the nursing profession before governmental agencies and the public; enhances educational programs for all levels of nursing; and seeks to encourage, motivate and retain nursing professionals in the health care setting.
Council Goals:
To promote professionalism in the practice of long-term care nursing.
To represent the nursing profession to the Department of Health Care Services, the Department of Public Health, California State Legislature, consumer groups and the general public.
To develop educational programs for all levels of nursing in the long-term care facility.
To present meaningful and useful professional education programs at CAHF's statewide meetings and chapter meetings.
To recruit the challenge-oriented nurse to the long-term care setting.
To promote recognition of the commitment and contributions made by nurses in long-term care.
Benefits of Membership:
Membership in the Council has many benefits. As a Council member, you will have access to CAHF's Members-only information on the website. You will also be eligible to receive benefits from the products and services division of the association.
Additionally, Council members are eligible to:
Participate in all CAHF and Council continuing education offerings including those specifically for long-term care nurses.
Attend three statewide conferences which include high-quality, timely education programs at which the Council conducts its business meetings.
Participate in CAHF's annual convention and trade show -- the largest long-term care trade show in the United States - sharing social events and networking with other long-term care professionals.
Provide input into legislative and administrative decisions that impact the long-term care community.
Disclaimer: While the Nurse Council exists by virtue of CAHF’s by-laws, local Councils are separately organized and operated and may be separately incorporated and operate in conjunction with their associated Chapters. As such, CAHF assumes no responsibility for any act or omission of these entities or their members.
How To Establish a Successful Local CAHF Nurses Council
Click here to fill in your information and email the completed document to powens@cahf.org and become a member of the CAHF Nurses Council
Submit any supportive material for Nurses Council education to powens@cahf.org
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If you have any ideas for a future topic to discuss, contact Patti Owens at 916-432-5201.