Facility Faces of California Photo Contest

The California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) is pleased to announce the 2018 Facility Faces of California photo contest. The purpose of the contest is to promote and acknowledge residents and staff in the state's skilled nursing facilities.

Contestants are invited to capture a special moment and submit it for a chance to win first ($150 Amazon gift card), second ($100 Amazon gift card) or third place ($50 Amazon gift card) in the Facility Faces of California photo contest.

Description & Deadlines

Staff and residents are invited to participate in the contest. Submissions should tell a story. Keep in mind: you don't need to be a professional photographer to win!

Please send photos to Misha Burke at mburke@cahf.org.

The deadline for entries is November 30th, 2018, 11:59 p.m. PST. The contestant winners will be notified on December 14, 2018. The winners will be acknowledged in our 2019 CAHF Calendar, Facebook, CAHF's official website and at our 2019 CAHF Spring Legislative Conference.

Categories & Prizes

We want to see all different faces and activities! Categories consist of staff, residents or interaction between both.

A committee of CAHF staff will be choosing first, second and third place winners for the Facility Faces of California photo contest.

First place prize: $150 Amazon gift card

Second place prize: $100 Amazon gift card

Third place prize: $50 Amazon gift card


Contest Criteria & Conditions

Photographs should depict what the individual does in their facility to make a difference. The photograph should be taken at the facility. (Ex. dietary supervisor cooking meals, nurses checking vitals, administrators taking phone calls, residents talking with others or participating in an activity, etc.)

Photographs must be in a .jpeg, .jpg, .psd, or .png formats and submitted in high resolution (1MB or higher) Suggested camera usage are iPhone, DSLR or any digital camera. Photos must be clear and focused.

The photos may be copies of past photos, but preferably this year.

Each contestant may submit up to three photos.

Each contestant may send more photos for future use by CAHF in publications, websites, social media and other promotional materials. If interested, you may email extra photos to mburke@cahf.org for consideration.

Contestants must agree to the terms listed on the submission form.

Contestants must sign the Photo Release Form. Forms are available here.

Photos must be appropriate for a wide audience. Submitting a photo(s) implies permission for use in online posting and marketing purposes. CAHF has the right to not display any photos it deems objectionable based on its sole discretion.

Entries that do not adhere to these guidelines will be disqualified.


Judging Criteria

Each submission will be judged by CAHF staff on the following:




Overall Impact

Artistic Merit

Subject matter relevant to making a difference, participation and dedication to the skilled nursing community.




Questions? Please feel free to contact Misha Burke | mburke@cahf.org | 916.432.5193