8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
CalAIM Update -What You Need to Know
Karen Widerynski, M.P.H., Managed Care Specialist, CAHF
A review of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) program and the changes anticipated for skilled nursing facilities. Effective January 1, 2023, long-term care services will be carved into managed care plans in every county, effectively eliminating fee-for-service Medi-Cal for our providers. This session will review how CalAIM may impact our facilities while addressing many of the complex challenges facing California's most vulnerable residents.
CE Hours: 1 NHAP and 1 BRN
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
ALERT: Need Someone (Anyone) To Fill Shift ASAP
Tarryn Reddy, MPP, NHA, Regional Account Executive, OnShift
How often does your organization scramble to fill open shifts and last-minute call-offs? If you are like most providers, this happens more often than you would like to admit. The reason is simple: we are facing an unprecedented staffing crisis. Most organizations cannot find, hire and retain employees without relying on excessive overtime or agency labor. The answers are much more involved, but it is clear that relying on status quo staffing strategies has become costly, ineffective, and can be a detriment to resident care. This session will critically examine new research on today's and tomorrow's workforce challenges, explore frontline staff perspectives on their needs and wants, and provide real-world case studies showing how digital transformation strategies are elevating recruitment, retention and staffing in senior care. This is a can't-miss session for providers needing to transform the vicious cycle of employee burnout and turnover into a virtuous cycle of quality care and employee retention.
CE Hours: 1 NHAP and 1 BRN
10:20 AM - 11:10 AM
Value-Based Reimbursement for Nurses
Jennifer Breen, Assistant Director of Reimbursement, CAHF
This session focuses on various value-based programs for SNF reimbursement, including California's Quality and Accountability Supplemental Payment Program, federal value-based purchasing, and managed care value-based arrangements.
CE Hours: 1 NHAP and 1 BRN
11:10 AM - 12:00 PM
Identify the IDDSI Food and Beverage Texture
Karmen Kortie, CDM, CFPp, Regional manager, Simply Thick
This presentation will go over the awareness of IDDSI as well as identify correct IDDSI textures and food behavior.
CE Hours: 1 NHAP and 1 BRN
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Perfect Partners. How to Train Your Nurses to Collaborate with Remote Physicians to Deliver Optimal Care
Brian Carpenter, MD, SFHM, Chief Medical Officer, Telemedicine at Sound Physicians
Access to a physician via telemedicine can empower skilled nursing facility nurses to treat more residents in place, avoiding a stressful return to the emergency department. But connecting with a physician on video can be uncomfortable, and most nurses have never received telemedicine training. What conditions warrant a telemedicine visit? What is the best way to prepare for a telemedicine assessment? What types of conditions can be treated with the support of a telemedicine physician? And, most importantly, how can you train your front-line nurses to embrace telemedicine to deliver better care for residents when a doctor is not in the building? Get your questions answered and find out how you can support front-line nurses to partner with remote physicians to deliver optimal care.
CE Hours: 1 NHAP and 1 BRN
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Leading with Strength and Resilience
Jean Steel, Happy People Win
What does “good leadership” look like during a pandemic? These days the world is experiencing a “new normal” and some handle it better than others. Many long-term care leaders are rising to the occasion, using a myriad of skills from: learning to pivot, understanding the dynamics of change, dissecting the barriers to innovation and practicing and growing their own resilience skills. The buzzword “self-care” has become a critical component of health and happiness. We often associate change with discomfort, but when change is so constantly happening all around us, it’s time to start embracing it!" Leave with an action plan to develop one trait to increase your stress hardiness.
CE Hours: 2 NHAP and 2 BRN