• Registration
  • Live Sessions
  • On-Demand Sessions

Please join your colleagues at CAHF’s Quality Care Health Foundation (QCHF) the second annual virtual Fall conference event for developmental services members.

This year’s agenda will provide ICF/DD members with essential training and resources — designed for administrators, managers as well as clinical and non-clinical staff — for navigating ongoing operations due to as a result of COVID and other significant impacts.

11:50 AM -12:00 Noon - Log into Virtual training/System check if needed
12:00 Noon -4:30 PM - Session Time

CE Hours
These sessions are BRN only.
In order to be eligible for CEs, it is mandatory that you enter your first and last name when signing in. You must also stay logged in for the duration of the training; NO EXCEPTIONS. Please be prepared to take a quiz for each session in order to obtain your CEs.

Emailed Handouts Link


12:00 PM - 12:10 PM

Welcome and Housekeeping

12:10 PM - 12:20 PM

A Word from Our Sponsor

Greenwich Biosciences

12:20 PM - 1:05 PM

Opening Session | State of the Association

Craig Cornett  •  President/CEO, CAHF

The “State of the Association” session will provide an update on everything happening in the ICF/DD Sectors, including vaccination and other public health requirements, changes in regulation at the Federal and State levels, workforce challenges, state and federal funding issues (including unfreezing of rates for ICF-DDs), new state requirements to bring ICF-DDs into managed care, legislation and reforms under consideration in Sacramento and Washington D.C., and relationships with other parts of the DD continuum.

1:10 PM - 2:10 PM

Labor & Employment Update - Part 1

Keahn Morris  •  Partner, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

This presentation will discuss new developments in California labor and employment law impacting ICFs, including wage and hour issues, PAGA, mandatory vaccines, expanded employee benefits and leaves, employment discrimination and retaliation, adequate employment investigations, and more.

2:25 PM - 3:25 PM

Pandemic Recovery and Review for ICF and ICF-IID Providers

Jason Belden  •  Director of Emergency Preparedness, CAHF

Hear about some of the enduring issues continuing to impact ICF providers from the Pandemic, as well as activities you will need to take to assist with your recovery including the regulatory requirements around after-action reports.

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

EPIDIOLEX® in the Long Term Care Setting

Nanette R. Wrobel, RPh  •  Director of Clinical and Business Development, Tarrytown Expocare Pharmacy

The Greenwich Biosciences Long Term Care Program Webinar, EPIDIOLEX® (cannabidiol) in the Long Term Care Setting, features some of the following presentation topics and learning objectives.

  • What is Epidiolex?
  • How is Epidiolex different from non-FDA-approved CBD products?
  • Clinical Study Results
  • Ongoing Treatment and Considerations in the Long Term Care space

Please note: CAHF does not endorse this product.

CalAIM Introduction

Medi-Cal is beginning a sweeping, multi-year transformation initiative known as California Innovating and Advancing Medi-Cal (CalAIM). CalAIM is intended to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of the Medi-Cal population by implementing broad delivery system, program and payment reform across the program. This session will introduce CalAIM and what it means for ICF/DD service providers.

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis - Interventions for Managing Challenging Behaviors

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. It aims to identify a specific behavior and apply interventions to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful. Learn to utilize ABA interventions to address challenging behaviors, de-escalation, and crisis management.

Financial Reporting and Auditing - Implications for Medi-Cal Rates and Provider Relief Funds

This session will review updates to the ICF-DD reimbursement system, with emphasis on the importance of cost reporting and documentation, for Covid Provider Relief Fund reporting and Medi-Cal cost reports.

Cal-OSHA Requirements During COVID and the Long Term Ramifications of the Pandemic

During the session, we will clear up the difference in Cal-OSHA ETS and ATD requirements. We will also cover best practices for dealing with a Cal-OSHA enforcement visit and how to prepare the documentation needed to present your best case.

Labor & Employment Update - Part 2

This session will discuss the new developments in California labor and employment law impacting intermediate care facilities, including wage and hour issues, PAGA, mandatory vaccines, expanded employee benefits and leaves, employment discrimination and retaliation, adequate employment investigations, and more.